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L03 Mixed Lunch COTD Bill A-H, featuring Bill's Seafood and tomato based orzo , $85 and Bookings Required, guests welcome to this Mixed Lunch

We have also made a change to our payments, we have had to pass on the credit card charges for bookings.

If you elect to pay with credit card, you will have the 2% card surcharge added to the lunch cost on your credit card.

If you don't wish to incur the 2% surcharge you can still pay via EFT Bank Transfer as below.

EFT payments please include your Name and L02 code in your banking reference field

Westpac  BSB: 032002  Account No: 000985655

Also only credit card payments show green tick, EFT payments marked off by the Treasurer


The Committee has taken advice, and it seems we inadvertently may be contravening an ACCC rule that prevents us from “profiting” on surcharge we charge.

 The Stripe charge is greater than 2%, but less than 3% charged for L01. The change to the recovery surcharge of 2% has now been applied for your next booking.

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